Warehouse Relocation Checklist

If your business needs and requirements are ever-growing and warehouse relocation is the only option left beyond expanding your storage systems, you may be wondering how best to approach the process and make preparations. 

At Advanced Handling & Storage, we are all about providing efficient pallet racking solutions to enhance your storage space and make for more fluid operations.

However, sometimes your warehouse or distribution facility simply isn’t big enough to meet the demands of your business anymore; this is when it is time to consider relocating. 

Here are our top tips on relocating.

Choose the right warehouse space

Choosing a space that is suitable is the most important step. Ensure that you choose a warehouse that can sustain your capacity at least for the next 5-10 years. 

When looking at relocation, your business’ growth should be taken into account to determine how big the space should be and whether there is room to expand if necessary.

Existing pallet racking systems should be able to accommodate your new space and also have enough room for new pallet racking storage options. 

At Advanced Handling & Storage, we supply a range of new and second hand storage solutions to expand your space, such as mezzanine flooring, wire decking, shelving, and numerous options for pallet racking. 

Optimise new warehouse operations

Moving to a new warehouse gives you the chance to optimise your existing warehouse structure. When it comes to having the ideal warehouse setting there is always room for improvement, such as being able to better accommodate more storage and offering improved efficiency in all operations. 

Reorganising your warehouse pallet racking system to optimise the flow or building an entirely new storage system may be necessary.

Cut down your losses

It goes without saying that a warehouse relocation will interrupt your regular business operations. Unfortunately, this may result in potential losses for your business in one way or another. However, there are a few things you can do to minimise the impact. 

Consider shipping from your current warehouse and receiving goods at the new location to ensure your operations continue functioning instead of grinding to a halt due to the relocation. 

Change your address

You should also remember to update your address as soon as the new location is confirmed. 

If you are in search of a reliable pallet racking provider during your warehouse relocation, contact us on 0800 345 7088 to discuss your storage needs, or email sales@advanced handling.co.uk

With us, support continues after the sale, and we strive to form strong customer relationships, providing you with dedicated advisors you can contact for any advice.

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